Tag Archives | persona

Making Products for the 1%

I’ve been thinking about a product I’m in the process of co-developing and whether our target audience at retail are yummie mummies or simply the 1%. I had a sudden moment of brilliance (m.0.b.) when I thought about how unique that idea was – making products for the 1%. (mpft1) And then I remembered. Oh […]

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The Giants Among Us

When sitting down with a past work acquaintance yesterday over coffee, Jim shared some interesting insights about ‘big personalities’ that I thought amusing enough, and true enough, to write about. We both referred to a certain someone whose name won’t be mentioned, but who sees himself as a sort of icon. He asked if it […]

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The Dave Matthews Effect

Remember the Butterfly Effect? The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with hypotheses where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes. I’ve renamed and redefined it the Dave Matthews Effect. The Dave Matthews effect is a […]

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Finding Your Voice

Today I was explaining to co-workers the reason predictability is important for certain types of social media. When you are young and hoping to become an expert, it’s probably time to sharpen your focus. What do you want to stand for? What do you care most about? How can you start to share expert opinions […]

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