The Giants Among Us

When sitting down with a past work acquaintance yesterday over coffee, Jim shared some interesting insights about ‘big personalities’ that I thought amusing enough, and true enough, to write about.

We both referred to a certain someone whose name won’t be mentioned, but who sees himself as a sort of icon.

He asked if it was hard working with this person and I said it had its moments. But we both agreed that there is something to the mad genius personas pushing us beyond our wildest dreams. As Jim put it:

“Giants like him certainly help us get to a place where no sane person would go. I suppose it has its merits because we wouldn’t stretch that far, otherwise”. 

Like fantasy stories, there truly are giants who dwell among us. We either work with them, for them, or watch them (via the news or T.V.).

These giants are big personalities, and they seem highly eccentric (Elon Musk, Steve Jobs), maybe even crazy. Certainly  unrelenting in their vision and, in the case of Jobs, willing to fire whomever got in his way.

Does this mean we are Hobbits or Dwarves, I wonder?



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