Why I Like Having an Executive Coach

Okay Coach John, I need to set up our weekly sessions again.

It seems I like learning new things when Fall comes around. Maybe it’s from being so programmed to start school in the Fall and turn over a new leaf. Is that where that term came from?

I have an executive coach whom I need to reconnect with, and I want to share several reasons why I love my coach.

1. A coach can be that one confidante, to whom you can disclose e v e r y t h i n g in no particular order. It doesn’t even have to make sense at first. No holding back.

2. You can verbalize something that might be difficult to admit to yourself.

3. Assuming you’ve found someone you feel comfortable with, it’s much more productive to share your fears and concerns with a coach than simply having a venting session. And not only will you feel better, you will also find that it’s rewarding. Resulting in positive outcomes and proactive solutions.

4. For me personally, I sometimes need that extra boost. Maybe I beat myself up too much at times. That’s why I love my coach. Fear and uncertainty are a bad equation at work.

If you are feeling like you need to share the whole truth and get back some motivational words of wisdom in return, it’s time to find your coach. He or she can help you bring your best game to work. Sometimes your work might even pay for it!

Please share your experiences with finding and receiving support!


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