On a scale of 1-10

How stuck are you in your head? Are you a 1 or 10? I’m not a scientist, yet I wonder if the nocebo effect can be the way to sabotage success.  Unlike placebo – when you feel positive change from a candy pill, nocebo can create negative symptoms by imagining them in your head.

I can’t say I truly believe we all have the control to make things happen without some nudge from God, Buddha, Muhammed, Abraham, (am I missing anyone) or maybe a soul-sista. Yet, there is something to this notion of positive living. Something to be said for hanging out with my favorite yummy mummy friends, whose lives are so rich in positive beauty, freedom and a spirited sense of self worth, that I just know it has to keep rubbing off on me (and more importantly, my kids) the more we’re around it.

Here’s my latest a-ha. In order to find it, that sense of waking up and feeling like you can enjoy your day, something has to go away. The a-ha? It takes confronting fear, and finding a way to CHANGE. It won’t happen over-night if you can help it, but it will happen gracefully if you plan on it.

Make a plan, today.



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