#RPCL Log Date Aug 3, 2017 #BeingHuman #MarriageIsATeamSport #eldersandentitlement

I’ve had my challenges these days with making concessions. I’ve worked really hard, and supposed that with maturity comes a sense of personal entitlement.

We’ve probably all felt it to come degree in our jobs as the elders, or as parents when rolling our eyes at 5-year old temper tantrums. Or maybe accompanied with smugness when driving the hard earned fancy wheels.

Still, I know that living in a family means it has to be good for everyone. And sometimes the hardest personal sacrifices are what it takes, even if they can be super painful for a window of time.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Remember that marriage, a family unit or union of any kind is a team sport, not a solo sport. It’s not about the individual wants and needs, it’s the collective. This is especially true of a business partnership as well. But from compromise, there is a joyful existence of being better together.  And being humans in this crazy life together. #marriageisateamsport #partnershipsareaboutthecollective #takeonefortheteam #loveoneanother #acceptance #concessions #eldersandentitlement #beinghumaninthiscrazylifetogether #beingbettertogether #beinghuman

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