The Modern Mentor

Frank and I were recently talking about the lack of mentors in the average work place. I was ranting about how busy we all are, so of course it’s hard to help other employees along when two factors are preventing most folks from doing this:

1. The new entitled generations stir the pot, a lot, and put a manager on the defense, leaving them no choice but to hold on to their position

2. There is too much on everyone’s work-plate and it’s hard to imagine delegating when it would take twice as long

This  is the new era of sink, swim or hold onto the log heading upstream. We sometimes drift along, go with the flow, and keep our heads down so we can survive at work without caring too much about anyone or anything.

For that reason, I’d like to shout out to all of the modern mentors who are defying the odds and who really do give a sh_t about helping their fellow workers. Perhaps they are a diminished number, and it’s time to change it.

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