Tag Archives | Secession Plan

The Modern Mentor

Frank and I were recently talking about the lack of mentors in the average work place. I was ranting about how busy we all are, so of course it’s hard to help other employees along when two factors are preventing most folks from doing this: 1. The new entitled generations stir the pot, a lot, […]

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The Exit Speech (to my boss)

One thing I’ve learned about myself. I have to decide my message, and stay on message. If I get sloppy and deviate, I pay for it later. My head and heart take over, and suddenly I’m blurting out things I can’t believe keep flowing from my mouth like water. And then… oops. What was I […]

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Have you ever been told to hire a director to report to you, and then find out later that he’s meant to take your role and you report to him? It happened to me. And I also unknowingly did the same thing to my first employee before it happened to me. It was a non-profit […]

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The Web of Lies

It can be hard to leave your job. Even when you are leaving for all the right reasons. I was in a situation once where I loved my colleagues, my clients and my job, but not my long-term prospects. I needed to get out. But I felt a little guilty leaving everyone behind. I cared about […]

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Just Say No

Remember the First Lady Nancy Reagan and her campaign to combat drugs? Just say no? Well, I had another epiphany this evening. I was checking out this blog article from HBR about the importance of appreciation. And, if you’ve read my Power of 3 blog, you’ll understand that I’ve generally had a bad day. So […]

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