The Non-Diet Diet – Minus Sugar

Do you tire of diets and fads and the plethora of apps and services to help you lose weight? It’s like trying to choose cereal in an aisle with hundreds of brands staring you down. Well, I’ve suddenly decided I’m not going to diet before my trip to the sun in 2 weeks. I’m going to simply eat to reverse the 3 lbs I’ve gained since becoming a yummie mummie impostor (my new brand).

I’m a fairly compulsive person. I can drink copius amounts of caffeine and enjoy sugar. While I drink alcohol in moderation, for me it works because I get drunk sniffing the cork. But when it comes to food, I’ve married a foodie and have two foodie girls so I can’t escape the pleasure of eating.

However, one compulsive behavior begets another. We all know the consequences of sex without protection. A larger you and babies on the way. In the same way, too much coffee means chocolate. Too much chocolate means a new, larger you, minus the babies.

I vote for procreation when it comes to getting a bulge (not for me but for my youngish friends who want children – nieces not included). But I am not so keen on the new 3-lb heavier me with a nice spare tire as my reward.

So it’s time to eliminate sugar. I’m on day 3 and I have to admit, I feel less tired. I feel really good, actually. In fact, as much as I still “think” about sweets (because we have them ALL AROUND), I’m no longer craving them. It’s a mind game, and damn it, I’m going to beat it.

That’s my brand strategy.

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