The War Room (inside my head)

Sometimes I realize that my brain won’t turn off. I try to shut down, and especially during 2:00 a.m. AFTER one child or another has awoken and one of us (me or my husband) have gone in to sooth a child. It’s not the first time I turn the light out, after shutting my computer down for the night. It’s this second interruption, the middle-of-the-night wake up call that has my brain running 100 miles / hour. And so, what do I do?

Well, I am looking for advice. What DO you DO?

For me, I know it has everything to do with the million business ideas in my head. And trying to figure out the golden egg of an idea that will buy me and my family and my siblings and their families – all a better standard of life. Work/life/balance. FREEDOM. No more financial-woes…

Well, it’s a war-room, my head. What can I say? I’ve heard from fellow agents that it’s not a very healthy approach to managing expectations on myself. But even knowing that, it’s hard to change.

What about you? Your head a big vat of ideas that churns day AND night? What keeps you awake at night?

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