Winning your Break Up

I was listening to a program on the radio today which sent me to A woman, Fancy Frenchwood, published her letter of resignation in all of it’s emotional honesty and glory.

Later this evening, I was watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother about who won the relationship break up. Was it Ted with his scruffy beard and no rebound girl, or Robin with her beautiful Argentinian hunk of a man? Well, it was pretty clear.

What drives us to write unplugged letters to our employers, or to one-up our past relationship? Is it about winning intentionally or subconsciously?

I confess – I dream of the day when I can refer back to my departure from Company Z whilst being interviewed by Ellen Degeneres (and discussing a featured cover story of the Agents working at Covert Leadership – on Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, or all three!)


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