Author Archive | Agent S1

Impressive Bio! (chuckle)

This morning I was researching a company and reading about the management team. Here are some (edited, obviously!) excerpts from their bios: Person X brings more than 12 years experience in the [such-and-such] sectors to ♦♦♦♦♦. He spent more than [XX] years at [big company], where he developed [blah, blah, blah] from concept to delivery and […]

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Efficiency is Killing Me

I value my time a lot. Part of this may be due the fact that I run a business and I must be efficient to be profitable. But I believe most of it is just my nature. So, I was (to put it mildly) extremely annoyed the other day when I was standing in the […]

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The Stay-At-Home CEO

This post is not about the full-time (no, more than full time!) job of being a stay-at-home parent. Nope, it’s about running and managing a business from your home — the positives, the negatives, the crazy things people will say to you, and the single hardest thing about it for me. First, as a stay-at-home CEO, I’ve […]

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Considering a Work Life Collage

In an earlier post, I argued that it’s time to throw out the term Work Life Balance in favor of an idea that better represents modern work and modern life — where we are connected to both parts nearly 24/7. I suggested Work Life Collage, where pieces of  “work” and “life” fit together in an […]

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The Web of Lies

It can be hard to leave your job. Even when you are leaving for all the right reasons. I was in a situation once where I loved my colleagues, my clients and my job, but not my long-term prospects. I needed to get out. But I felt a little guilty leaving everyone behind. I cared about […]

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When All That Glitters is Gone

Sometimes it’s obvious when you need to leave a job. Sometimes it’s less so. For me, there are little hints: I’m no longer picturing myself in the proverbial corner office I’m less patient saying the same thing twice I catch myself sighing Last time this happened to me, I remember asking myself “Why?” I couldn’t pinpoint […]

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