We like speed. And a lot of the time, money drives speed. We shorten timelines so we can get more for less. We try to beat the competitor by offering faster delivery. We plan so far ahead, we try to predict fashion a year and a half away, not just 12 months anymore. Speed can […]
Archive | being human
#RPCL Log Date April 6, 2017: #BeingHuman #MindOverMatter
I’ve been fighting a cold now for a week and it suddenly came upon me on my first day of vacation. It’s proof to me that there is such a thing as mind over matter. At least I have called upon it when I knew I didn’t have time to get sick during a busy […]
#RPCL Log Date April 5, 2017: #BeingHuman #PassionTakesHeart
Just yesterday I finished a meeting and was surprised by the dynamic in the room. I’ve only just realized why. It was because my team gave the pitch their heart. We all put personal and emotional energy into the creative development and in turn received no grace, no thank you and no show of appreciation. Your mission, if you […]
#RPCL Log Date April 4, 2017: #BeingHuman #SeekingConnection
You have to wonder what makes human beings so rude or cranky to strangers. Even the crankiest person can be kind and connect with their people. Cars turn people into jerks, and lately Facebook or other social media can too. It’s like they are speaking to machines, not people, so it’s suddenly okay. Remember that people seek […]
#RPCL Log Date April 3, 2017: #BeingHuman #CloneCulture
We have a sameness problem. People like conforming and norming to what others are already doing. It’s safe. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Defy living and working in a clone culture. Be the outlier. Be the change. Be kind. Be safe. Be appropriate. Now go!
#RPCL Log Date April 2, 2017: #BeingHuman #SitInSilence
Do you ever find you take up most of the energy in a room? Are you talking most? Talking louder? Talking over someone else who is trying to make a point? Why do you feel compelled to consume more oxygen than others? Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Try on silence in a meeting […]
#RPCL Log Date April 1, 2017: #BeingHuman #JourneyMatters
In the past I’ve worked with some incredibly kind people. Leaders because they are exemplifying leadership no matter their title. And some of the best leaders I’ve found, are kind even under pressure. What about you. Are you one of those kind overt or covert leaders? Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Think about why leaders […]
#RPCL Log Date March 31, 2017: #BeingHuman #LookAfterTheShadow
I was listening to the creator Danny Boyle of Trainspotting today on Dinner Party Download and he said something that struck me as important to remember. Important to see shadow and to look after the shadow. In other words, remember the sobering moments of death and dying and sickness even as we are in our full euphoric […]
#RPCL Log Date March 30, 2017: #BeingHuman #ChooseToLetGo
Whenever I have a nagging thought, I find it hard to shake by just saying to myself “enough!” It’s a problem. I can try my damnedest to be intentional about changing it but I suck at it. Yep. So when I watch my eldest dwell on her thoughts, I totally get it. And I wish […]
#RPCL Log Date March 29, 2017: #BeingHuman #CombatFearofBeingDifferent
Do you feel weird or just different from others at home, at school, at work or in life in general? Are your parents from somewhere else and they don’t feel very culturally adaptive within your city or town? My mom is from Asia and I remember growing up thinking that everyone had parents that spoke […]