We can stop believing that the grass is always green on the other side, by doing something about it starting today. Yes it’s easier said, than done. EVERYTHING is easier said, than done. So why not put your energy towards making it happen, rather than thinking about how life could be so much better if […]
Archive | being human
#RPCL Log Date March 17, 2017: #BeingHuman #ManageYourself
Human beings are always striving to change themselves. Sometimes it’s an adjustment to be better. Oft times it’s a giant leap to be something else -something or someone we are not. It’s heart breaking when children grow up in conditions that are so far from what is actually normal, that they are too ashamed to […]
#RPCL Log Date March 15, 2017: #BeingHuman #TheRiskofMediocrity
I was having lunch with a close friend and powerhouse in the world of architecture design and luxury development, and we ended up talking about how some people are fueled by change and others are happier aiming for mediocrity during an unsettling geopolitical era. Mediocrity is the old normal. Although it used to be safe, I […]
#RPCL Log Date March 11, 2017: #BeingHuman #selfdoubt
As much as I tell myself, “it’s not me”, I still find myself doubting myself when I don’t hear back from a client. Even if I know it’s paranoia and their silence is legitimately due to their busy-ness. So it was a relief today when I heard from a client after 3 weeks to say […]
#RPCL Log Date March 10, 2017: #BeingHuman #YourGift
The best gift we can give to a friend is honesty. I know it can sometimes be hurtful, so delivery matters. I wasn’t very mindful of how I delivered a message and it cost a relationship, so I can tell you that it takes real work to find a way to be tactful and honest. […]
#RPCL Log Date March 9, 2017: #BeingHuman #UnclutterYourCommitments #JustSayNo
There are times when it’s really hard to say no. So we say yes, because no would be rude. Or we think no may jeopardize a friendship or work relationship, and the loyalty is too strong. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Be intentional and unclutter your commitments. Analyze why you don’t want to […]
#RPCL Log Date March 8, 2017: #BeingHuman #internationalwomensday #youridentityisyours
Today is our day. A day to celebrate girls, daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, girlfriends and the list goes on. As I reflect on my life and how I want to lead my daughters into this world, I struggle with the desire to completely go full-metal jacket and teach them to kick some proverbial butt. […]
#RPCL Log Date March 6, 2017: #BeingHuman #CourageToBelieve
It takes small, medium and large doses of courage to believe you can impact the world around you. If we listen too intently to our inner-saboteur, and if we submit to a sense of hopelessness due to external factors, we risk falling into a black hole. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Find courage […]
#RPCL Log Date March 5, 2017: #BeingHuman #EveryBitofHopeCounts
What’s your entertainment form of escape? For me it’s marvel or D.C. comics and Science Fiction/Fantasy books and movies. I supposed it’s because there are these completely flawed people who are still capable of saving the day due to some unexpected catalyst in their lives. And it’s one that gives them hope enough to see […]
#RPCL Log Date March 4, 2017: #BeingHuman #MakeTheDayGreat
No matter what the news is, no matter what circumstances we face, we must always remember to be intentional about finding optimism in life, and creating our self-fulfilling journey. Your mission if you choose to accept it: Make the day great. You’re in charge of your everyday.