A Guru Always Has the Answers

I just returned from a networking event where a group of Marketing professionals meet for drinks, dinner and a presentation. Fortunately, and as a new member, I run into former clients or current peers with whom we (as a firm) have collaborated. It’s actually a lot of fun (and I say the “actually” part only because it’s really hard to leave home and my two little ones after being at work all day).

Tonight I was talking to a peer about how to teach your boss to delegate. I was sharing my thoughts on how he might actually need therapy, not just an executive coach as I’d first hypothesized. He looked at me with eyes wide and a big smile and said “Yes, I think you are right on”. He talked about how hard change is for someone in their late fifties or sixties (I was explaining how hard it is in your thirties and forties, too). He said that it’s time for the boss to let go, and that he’d be happier for it. He expanded on his theory that change and fear will get in Blake’s way, but it’s why he’s hired someone like me and our Director team. To help him to be the conceptual guy and allow us to “do” the work.

He then mentioned the dirty word at my work. “Secession plan”. I laughed. Nope, nope, doesn’t exist where we work. I told him my story about asking once about a plan, and getting no response. He smiled. “Of course you didn’t get a response and he was mad. A guru always has the answers. You asked him a question he didn’t have an answer to. His problem is that he isn’t facing it. It’s not that he’s against the idea. He just can’t embrace it right now”.

This is incredible insight. And something we can all think about. If you are having problems with this very situation, perhaps it’s time to embrace change.


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