Interview, Round 2

What types of things happen during the second interview? Do you feel prepared when you are called back? Are you anxious or dreading the event?

Although not very typical for me to be nervous for interviews, I was quite nervous all day. I felt like I usually do during race day. I’m not sure, honestly, if I was dreading the part about lying that I had a different appointment to my boss, or if I was anxious about this next round because I want it badly enough.

In the end, I received a text message from one of the interviewees there. “Congratulations, you hit it out of the park. Call me”.

Here’s what happened.

First of all, I was surprised to hear that the founder couldn’t recall any of our last meeting, other than “he liked me”. I’m sorry to ask, he was saying, but I remember meeting you and liking you, I just can’t remember much else. Not even where you are currently working.

After recounting much of what I’d said already and infusing it with new stories from current or past employers, the founder continued to probe into my management style and work style. Others piped in, but it was mostly driven by the owner. Questions like: Tell me what you do day to day now. Walk me through what a work day looks like with a client. What does a strategy session look like? What’s your role in that session? Why are you interested in leaving? Explain how you can help us.

Tip: I didn’t bring my resume again. But I probably should have. I also ALWAYS ask the person bringing me in, via email or phone, how I can be prepared or what I can expect. I asked about bringing copies of my resume but she assured me it wasn’t necessary.

I went back to their web site to be sure to reference current or relevant information about their company just prior to the meeting (so it was fresh).

Although I wasn’t nervous, I think it’s okay if you are. I was nervous all day until I got there, and then I was totally fine. And when I couldn’t answer something that I felt was giving away the “secret sauce” of what I do at Company X, I was clear about the reason why, throwing in humor.

Remember your mantra. Earlier in the day when I was nervous, I had to go back to Covert Leadership and re-read my last entry to give me the fire to want to move on and to help me exude 100% enthusiasm. Time to leave. Game face on. I needed to be at my very best and it was reading that last entry that did it for me. Find what motivates you and practice it, read it, do whatever it takes to get your game face on.

Next step, I’m told, one final meeting with the team I’d be managing. And so, this could be it… I really do want to work there. After hearing it from someone who left Company X just last night, she said, I’m so much happier. We do our job, no drama. Things get done. Everyone’s happy. Sigh. There is life after an emotional manager!


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