Managing Appearances Part 2

In an earlier blog I shared a story about a boss who was more concerned about managing appearances than delivering quality product. Thus not always pleasing his/her constituents.

But what happens when you aren’t really good at neither managing appearances nor pleasing your audience?

Seems to me that these are two critical aspects to keeping your business in the black. In the case of my boss, referrals didn’t always come our way because of  this person’s shortcomings. Yet he/she seemed to please just enough customers to survive. If we focused more our on product and less on appearances I have no doubt we could have been so much more.

On the flip side, if you don’t help your clients manage their appearances – in other words, if you don’t make them look good – than you can be equally doomed.

Nothing can compare to knowing thy customer. Be intentional and strike a balance between foreshadowing what they (your customer and their primary audiences) want, and delivering instant gratification.

This might sound hard, but I believe this is where intuition and mindfulness comes in!

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