Rules of the Road

Have you ever driven in a place in which no one pays any attention to the rules of the road?  Where drivers drift around the roads, completely oblivious to the lanes painted on the surface of the road?  Where people turn right, onto side streets, from the left-hand lane?  Where yield is an unknown word?  Where turn signals are never used?  Where only two cars are required for a traffic jam?


I was fighting my way through just this sort of traffic this morning, when I thought about how much less stressful it is to drive in places in which people follow the rules.  And I realized why:  you know what to expect and you can predict what will happen.

And maybe this is why it is so important, as a leader, whether as a supervisor or a parent, to share the rules for success.  Share with the people reporting to you how to succeed in the current career ladder.  Point out to your children the links between a good night of sleep and their energy levels (or the reverse).

As leaders, we need to help them learn the rules of the road to reduce their stress, predict what will happen, and increase their likelihood of success!


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