The Ongoing 40’s Dilemma

In our society, when you hit 40, you should have “made it” by now. The definition might vary between

– improving upon your parents success and ensuring they are taken care of

– really hitting it “big” financially

– dream house, dream job, white picket fence

– gated community and being a member of the “social club”

– second home

– paying for your kid’s college

– getting the romance back in your marriage

… and the list goes on.

What is so magical, and also demonizing about being 40?

For me, I’ve thought a lot about specific careers and how irrelevant the aging population becomes – depending on title/status/gender.

For our family, we look at our projected safety net with our financial advisor and shrink in our seats when we discover how long we need to work to cover our “nut” (for now and our future of saving for college).

For my community, we look at how many of us are really stuck. And it’s emotionally upsetting for professionals to need to collect unemployment when they were once at an all-time high in their careers.

Suddenly in our 40’s, we realize that none of us is immune to the effects of our wavering economy. And that we are just a small speck in the universe, after all.

So what to do, when you are hit with the 40’s dilemma? Repackage yourself. Have about four to five “back-up plans”. Figure out what’s relevant in the workforce and find your niche. Or just create it.

And most of all, seek help. More executives that I know, before they’ve hit the VP or C-level, have paid for their own coaching at some point in their career (myself included). It’s a bummer that not all companies pay for it, but don’t let that stop you. Find your support team.

Get out of feeling trapped. Be the change.

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