What Are You Afraid Of? #fearoffailure

A friend recently asked me the question, “what are you afraid of”?

“Losing everything”, I said.

As I think about my response, I think about how failure is inevitable as an entrepreneur, and yet we can still avoid losing everything if we proceed with caution and exercise calculated risk.

Sometimes when we are focusing too much on emotion – the passion that drives us forward – we are not being as strategic, and we are just “feeling” our way through, navigating based on heart and intuition more than logic. It’s what feels right. That’s how I typically like to operate.

But we also need to use logic. If we lead with our hearts, we still need our heads to see what the heart cannot see and to help us anticipate risk. I like to think that our guts, the visceral brain in our bellies, can help us to integrate both.

And so, when asked “what are you afraid of” in a very specific situation, I said what my gut told me was a probable outcome.

“I can’t take the risk, for fear of losing everything”.

When in doubt… don’t.



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