Why Hope Matters #hopematters #halfempties #thehopedrug #humandeficit

Life can be one big glass of half empties. When we look for the faults, the doubts, the flaws, they stand taller, bolder, and yell louder than the 90% good out there. As human beings our instincts and fear, limbic brain, have us programmed to look for the threats and flee.

Politicians and media have taken advantage of this knowledge, and every bit of bad news goes straight to our reptilian brains where our deepest intuition is thwarted by instinctual “fast twitch” intuition. Get the hell out of dodge. N O W.

That’s why hope matters. Human beings have thrived on shared belief systems, tribes and religion since the beginning of our existence.

We nurture our minds and feed our souls with positive beliefs. Hope is probably the best drug we can consume and embody to continue forward, one step at a time. Another way to think of it is Positive Quotient. The more we think positive thoughts, use positive language and promote positive outcomes, the more we can overcome the half empties.

And the more we can provide a beacon of hope to others, the more we can replenish the human deficit.

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