Workshops aren’t for everyone

I have this friend whom I’ve been unsuccessfully trying to recruit to a Covert Leadership workshop. It’s true that workshops are not for everyone.

Today I took her through some of the questions and we discussed how we’ve adapted our process and curriculum to companies. She’s working with me on two client projects and is brilliant at distilling complex ideas into powerfully simple statements.

Admittedly I’ve known Kay for at least seven years now, and there’s a lot I don’t know about her. From springing some of the Find Your Dream questions on her, I learned two things.

One – her biggest fear is debt. Two – her dream is to open a retail store selling soft furnishings.

What’s stopping her? A mortgage. No longer working a big corporate job (which would also prohibit her from opening her store).

Kay, if you are reading this, even with a fake name, you’ve figured out I’m talking about you!

Time to work on the Future You!



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