Tag Archives | FutureYou

Dirty Little Secret to Getting Ahead

As someone who meets all types of people, from different shapes and sizes to different values and sets of standards, there is one secret that is not universally understood. I call it a dirty little secret to get ahead. It entails “who you know” being “cunning”, and perhaps an air of “entitlement”. And it’s simple. […]

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Trust in the Universe

After speaking to a Covert Workshop participant and community member, I wanted to share her path and inspiring story as she jumps into the next decade of her FutureYou plan. During the conversation, she mentioned how things have been coming together for her since the seed was planted to follow her heart. “Once it was […]

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Climbing the Mountain

Lately I’ve been looking at a lot of imagery for clients that relate to mountain climbing. A woman stands atop a peak, ready to summit the next. A group of climbers are roped together as they descend a steep slope in snow. It’s a great metaphor for aspiring to dream big and to be bold […]

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Future You Workshop = Success!

Imagine a hot sunny day, and you’re looking at the very first 80 Degree day since the winter woes from inside a room.  Wait, really? You cannot go outside? Maybe you are cursing Agent M for saying yes to this damn workshop! The feedback was phenomenal. THANK YOU to all who participated and sacrificed half of […]

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