Being Lucky

A while ago, I heard a quote that made me stop and think:


Intentionality can change the path of our lives” Richard Boyatzis.


Was the universe sending me a message?  Maybe, or maybe I was at a stage in my life in which I was ready to hear the message.  I had been trudging along for long enough, not moving ahead in so many aspects of my life.  I was on a stairway which led nowhere.



I have a friend – everyone calls him lucky.  He says that he isn’t lucky, that he merely positions himself for the future.  In other words, he knows where he is going, so he is in the right place at the right time when things happen.  He has a dream.  He has a vision.  His intention is his reality.


 “Our intention creates our reality” Wayne Dyer


Having considered all of this, I realized it was time for me to commit myself, to set some goals, and to mindfully move forward with intention.  By setting a vision for myself, I could take the first step towards making the impossible possible.

I have now written down my dream.  I articulated my vision.  Now, each decision, each action, even the spirit and emotion of my days is directional.  I am moving forward towards success.  Like my friend, I am becoming “lucky”!


 “When a man or woman dreams, the world leaps and moves forward like a colorful ball in the hands of a child”  Antonio Gedeao.


What is your vision?  What are your dreams?  Think about it.  Write it down.  Become “lucky”!

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