Superhuman Log Date April 17, 2018 #beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #criticalthinking #thinktwice #literally #conceptualthinking

As I watch my community of clients, colleagues and friends mature, I’m finding we all fit in four categories.

Proudly inflexible. Blindly inflexible. Moderately flexible. Highly flexible.

I’ve been thinking about this because I am experiencing the Blindly Inflexible people more than I would wish to. For some reason, there is this naivete among the so-called wise, that experience in an area (been there, done that) makes you right. It doesn’t. It can’t. The ever-changing market (and lack of loyalty) is taking away the false sense of being right. Or almost always, from years and years of doing.



Your mission to achieve Superhumanness: Embrace conceptual thinking. And try not to take things so literally!

Be kind along the journey and remember, you got this!

#beinghuman #beingsuperhuman #humanup #heroup #criticalthinking #thinktwice #literally #conceptualthinking


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