Tip of the Day Issue 3…Practice Emotional Intelligence

Although a buzzword in the corporate world, Emotional Intelligence is such a rare skill when it’s exercised wholly. Here’s something to think about when you are in a situation of managing or “giving advice”. In this case, don’t offer to fix something. Best to just listen.

“Those who are most competent (and there are few of them) are comfortable experiencing and sharing both their own emotions and the emotions of others. They accept the other person’s feelings, even if they may not agree with them. The emotionally competent don’t try to “fix” the other person because they know emotions are normal and healthy. They don’t give advice, although they may ask questions that help all concerned experience a deeper understanding of the other person’s emotions. Like the person who is competent in other arenas, the most emotionally competent know that every situation is different. They respond appropriately to their own emotions and those of others as they arise.”

Kay Gilley, The Alchemy of Fear

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