We try so hard to figure out this crazy place on earth. Who are we, really? How do we fit in? And frankly I don’t care how much we emphasize living our values. I still find that other factors can get in the way of coming into ourselves. The most important thing you can do […]
Archive | being human
#RPCL Log Date November 1, 2017 #BeKind #BeSelfless #BeConsiderate
Today I was reading an article talking about social norms. It was explaining why highly visible food items never totally disappear at meetings. Have you noticed how when someone brings pastries to a meeting you always end up with a piece of it left, which disappears the moment no one is around? This apparently comes […]
#RPCL Log Date October 27, 2017 #BeingHuman #ProcessAndMoveOn
I just heard some news that hit me hard. Nothing life threatening, and not even someone I really knew. Just a human story of someone who was given a chance at a career, and it was just as quickly taken away. And it really made me sad. Maybe because I had a chance to meet […]
#RPCL Log Date October 12, 2017 #beinghuman #FendForOthers #habit #barnraising
Sure we’re all selfish. I would fiercely fend for my family, my loved ones and myself, and protect them above anyone. But I wonder how life would look without a greater community to rely on? So I believe we need to focus on helping others, too. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Fend for […]
#RPCL Log Date October 11, 2017 #TakeCareOfYou #TakesAVillage
As within anything, including knowing thyself, it takes a village. So sometimes we need our community to tell us that we need to unplug. Maybe we are taking on too much, or caring too much, or absorbing too many emotions around us. Whatever the case, you need to step away and get your bearing. It’s […]
#RPCL Log Date October 10, 2017 #BeingHuman #BeConstructive #NoBullying
I still have trouble with the name calling on FB. It’s so easy to want to tell someone they are an (expletive) idiot, but it doesn’t make it okay. So when someone called me an idiot on FB, it annoyed and stung a little. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Please remember: name calling […]
#RPCL Log Date October 9, 2017 #BeingHuman #beresilient #Dontbehardened #hardlife #resilience
I was watching a fantastic video of a woman on Humans of NY who was talking about how she’s always had to look after number one. The nuance I read in her story is that she lived a very hard life. Indeed her hard shell clearly protected a vulnerability that may have been exploited in […]
#RPCL Log Date October 7, 2017 #BeingHuman #FallingThroughLife
Some of us fall through life. Some amble. Some plan. I feel like I’m somewhere between ambling and falling with an occasional plan to redirect me. One may not be better than the other, they are just different. Your mission if you choose to accept it: If you fall through life, lift up others on […]
#RPCL Log Date October 5, 2017 #BeingHuman #fear #fearmonster
It’s been a tough week. Suddenly I was getting rejection from everywhere and, just when I was half way through processing one, another event would happen. Being a seller and doer, it’s not entirely surprising when a bid gets rejected or gets negotiated to a disheartening level. But what I’m recovering from now is the fear monster. Some of […]
#RPCL Log Date October 3, 2017 #BeingHuman #InformYourself
I was on the acupuncture table the other day and couldn’t help but feel worry turn into tears that trickled down my face. It’s hard when you are completely still and can’t move because the needles actually send a jolt that travels through your veins if you move too much. So I had to let the tears […]