We definitely live in a culture where more is more. I am grappling with a tough decision for my family relating to a fancy schmancy club that would be fantastic to join. Not because I am a beautiful person or want to be with the beautiful people. But because it offers some amenities that I […]
Archive | being human
#RPCL Log Date July 29, 2017 #BeingHuman #evolve #revolve #humansideofvictory
Evolve, Evolved, Evolving (source, Merriam-Webster) transitive verb 1: emit 2a : derive, educe b : to produce by natural evolutionary processes c : develop, work out evolve social, political, and literary philosophies — L. W. Doob Revolve, Revolved, Revolving transitive verb 1: to turn over at length in the mind : ponder revolve a scheme 2a obsolete : to cause to go round in an orbit b : rotate 1 intransitive verb 1: recur 2a : to ponder something b : to […]
#RPCL Log Date July 28, 2017 #BeingHuman #BeASkeptic #ChallengeThinking
In a meeting today I was talking to a relatively new business partner and friend about people who whine. I have little patience for it. Maybe because I used to do it and it’s projection! She warned me that it’s a very French thing to do, too. Of course, I’ve never heard her whine so […]
#RPCL Log Date July 27, 2017 #BeingHuman #InvestInEverydayPeople
There is this whole other world, brought to us by the select few of movers and shakers who can navigate a high stakes game of investment funding. As someone who has had some exposure to this world, I can tell you it’s quite intimidating. First off, there is this culturally relaxed disposition of an elite class […]
#RPCL Log Date July 25, 2017 #BeingHuman #LetYourConscienceWin
The year is 1935 in Munich, Germany. Many common folk are grappling with the stronghold of a totalitarian regime that pretends it’s not. They are in a collective crisis of conscience. Do they fervently buy in to the notion that they are THE entitled class and race, wherein fealty is rewarded with the comfort of a stable job? Or do they protect […]
#RPCL Log Date July 22, 2017 #BeingHuman #OverCompensation #FreedomWithinConstraint
We like to celebrate and reward visionary leaders, like Steve Jobs. He certainly created revolutionary technology which I’m using to type this post. Yes I’m a fan of Apple. And yet, any CEO making 271 times more than the average employee is simply wrong. Top CEOs Make More in Two Days Than An Average Employee Does in […]
#RPCL Log Date July 17, 2017 #BeingHuman #AcceptAbsoluteTruthsandLies #EmbraceShadesofRightandWrong
I’ve been thinking a lot about how the media wants us to believe in absolutes. And while there are absolute truths and lies, or absolute right and wrong, there are also shades of right and wrong. So what does that mean? There are backstories to everything. Just as divorce can get ugly, there are always […]
#RPCL Log Date July 13, 2017 #BeingHuman #AreYouInControl #ControlFreak #EmotionalDrivers
I was listening to a program on Ted Radio Hour with Guy Raz about parasites. The author and speaker Ed Yong shares his research and theory on how much influence parasites truly have over other life forms, including potentially humans. Apparently 1 in 3 people have Toxoplasmosis in their brains, and this parasite can redirect rats […]
#RPCL Log Date July 12, 2017 #BeingHuman #BeARenegade #BeSuperHuman #WonderWoman
I love movies like The Avengers or Wonder Woman, where superheroes have incredibly tragic, human moments before they are confronted with what to do with their lives. There is a line from Wonder Woman which the character Steve says (played by Chris Pine in the movie). “MY FATHER TOLD ME ONCE, ‘IF YOU SEE SOMETHING WRONG HAPPENING […]
#RPCL Log Date July 11, 2017 #BeingHuman #ExistentialCrisis #ChangeYourConquest #EmotionalFulfillment
We were having dinner with friends when I was describing a recent story from a therapist about his clients who are stuck 40-something male (company name here) employees seeking counseling. (You can probably insert software or other companies too, but in his case it was all one software company). They can’t quit. The money is too good. […]