I was discussing my irritation with a friend about this excuse bandied about in companies. “I don’t know what I don’t know”. Drives me bonkers. Probably because at some point children, you need to just know that you don’t know EVERYTHING. Seriously. And then when you later say, “oops. I didn’t know what I didn’t know” […]
Archive | being human
#RPCL Log Date July 9, 2017 #BeingHuman #SlowDown #OneDayAtATime #EveryDayIsAWindingRoad
Language can be so meaningful, or so cliché. I love pop culture for both reasons – you can get deeper meaning in the clichés! So why not heed the one-day-at-a-time TV title or everyday-is-a-winding-road song title? If life were meant to be a quick and straight line, then it wouldn’t be a rich and meaningful […]
#RPCL Log Date July 8, 2017 #BeingHuman #ChooseANewAdventure
Life is full of choices. I know, I know. This is a fairly privileged point of view. And yet even the most privileged can make bad choices. So what do we do with our freedom, to the extent that we have some freedom to move about without a tether? And what do we do when […]
#RPCL Log Date July 7, 2017 #BeingHuman #workerbees #Don’tbeaDrone
I think I am having an epiphany. Could it be that for so long, we have been teaching employees to become drones (as in bees or ants, not in the aerial vehicle drones), so that they don’t have emotional outbursts and challenge authority? Could it be, that instead of learning Emotional Intelligence we are learning to be […]
#RPCL Log Date July 6, 2017 #BeingHuman #FastExitPlan #TheSmartOnes
What’s your fast exit plan? I was talking to some folks ranging in age somewhere between 35 and 50, and learning why they’ve either left or plan to leave their corporate jobs. For the younger end of the range, they decided that corporate America had such a false sense of urgency and clients were making […]
#RPCL Log Date July 1, 2017 #BeingHuman #EvolveAsAHumanBeing #Don’tBeStatic
Are you falling through life? Fumbling? Floundering? All three? Don’t let fear take you hostage and prevent you from failing and growing. Fall. Fumble. Flounder. Fear. Fail. OR Ask. Attempt. Evolve. Listen. Change. GROW. Your mission, if you choose to accept it: Change. Grow. Evolve. Don’t be static as a human being. Otherwise, what’s the […]
#RPCL Log Date June 22, 2017 #BeingHuman #ReallyThinkAboutIt
When you were a kid, how often were you told by a teacher, parent or guardian, “c’mon, think about it…” That then led to a full out lecture on a topic to which you probably didn’t give a second thought? Have you broken that pattern? Are you introspective, reflective, willing to dig deeper? Your mission, if you choose […]
#RPCL Log Date June 20, 2017: #BeingHuman #commonground #reunificationproject #RPCL
Back in December, I decided to blog and post a mission daily in 2017. This journey began as a personal pledge to process our human fallibility and to share it with the world (which started at n=50). Today we’ve almost hit 200 followers, which is more than when we started. Every day we hope to add to our […]
#RPCL Log Date June 15, 2017: #BeingHuman #ThinkTwice
There are days when I just want to scream at people. How can folks be so caught up in their own con? They are fabricating truths to create division, resulting in a lot of anger and pain. I am appalled by the he-who-cannot-be-named conspiracy theorist that wants to spread lies about a school massacre, stating it was […]
#RPCL Log Date June 12, 2017: #BeingHuman #ClearPointOfView #ProblemSolving
There is nothing more frustrating when a leader finds flaws in their team or company (or country) with no clear path to solutions. What’s lacking? Being curious about the real AND perceived issues, and a clear point of view for solving the problems. You can’t really solve problems you don’t understand. And it takes investigation, […]