Archive | Fireside Chats

Creating meaningful conversations around work situations. With enough interest, these might turn into community chats at a local coffee shop.

OMG This is Scary!

Some colleagues and I were meeting about a joint project the other day when one of them confessed she was nervous about committing because it was something she hadn’t done before… she didn’t know she could do it well. I responded: “Everyone’s going to be uncomfortable at some point during this process. We all are […]

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Me, Impostor?

I’ve been reading about Portlandia a lot lately and have been utterly inspired. This quote had my wheels turning about a few things and I want to share them with you. Carrie Brownstein, in an interview on NPR, was explaining how they got their start. Two friends with imagination, creativity (not to mention past success) […]

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Fierce or Chicken?

How often do you have extremely polite conversations with someone at work about a controversial topic, that then turns into email-war? There are two words that come to mind: chicken shit.  I realize that this falls under the “emotional honesty” category of trends in 2011 and 2012. So here I am, calling a spade a […]

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When Am I the Mentor?

Do you have someone you look up to, a role model or mentor, who is a woman? Who is it, and why? As a woman in our society, I often look around me and wonder how many female leaders I can count in this country or in the world? Personally, I’d like to step into […]

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When is it OK to be an Impostor?

Agent M1’s post about using someone else’s voice (or wanting to) got me wondering… are there times when it IS productive to try to emulate someone else?  There are times when I do… In the course of my career/working life/whatever, I’ve been lucky enough to have worked for 2 managers that I really respect, NS […]

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