Lopsided Loyalty

I was scanning my instagram feed when I saw a picture of something that triggered work-anxiety. My past client posted an image and it reminded me of my lopsided loyalty. It’s clear now that it was one way – not balanced. And I was immediately flooded with sadness.

Holding back tears, my voice was gruff as I was reading Fancy Nancy to my daughter. I had to fight the urge to plunge into my narcissistic “poor me” crisis. Feeling that we would win. We are on fire. Light will conquer dark.

Blah blah blah.

So, it’s not always the case that light conquers dark. In fact, some shitty stuff can and does happen at work or in life. What we do with it is what makes it alright. It’s not “winning” just because there has to be a loser, it’s “winning” so we can find our way to cope and move on.

And so I am still finding, and coping, and moving on.

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