Why it Takes Cojones to Use Boobies Out of Context

Did he just say “boobies” in an article posted to LinkedIn? (double meaning – it’s a sea bird. Yep, he was being IRONIC). I wonder, would I ever use that word in or out of context or would I need some cojones?

A friend was asking me why I thought women’s equality was getting more media attention lately, and I have to think it’s because of Sheryl Sandberg from Facebook and Marissa whatshername from Yahoo! But we mustn’t forget how the anti-abortion laws in certain states will impact women’s rights. Add the tragic acts of sexual assault towards women in the military and it just about sums up Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point, where several coincidences collide into one big causation or solution.

Or is it also because of moments like these when we look at gender equity issues right in the balls?

Once you get past boobies, you’ll find the article worth a glance.




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