Tag Archives | millennials

Someone Wins and Someone Loses #nomoreparticipationawards #JAJance

I attended a fundraiser on Veteran’s Day where author JA Jance gave a wonderful keynote that included some laughter and tears, and a side remark about the election. It was brilliant, and I’m compelled to try to paraphrase it here. “Dear Millennials, we know you are the generation who received participation awards at every turn. Well I’m sorry […]

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Forgetting How to Be Human #forgottenhumanity #humankindness

People have forgotten how to be human in many ways. And when I say human, I mean kind. And wrapped into kindness are things like trust, empathy, compassion, attention (listening) and generally giving a crap about others. So, when I preach to parents why I think we are all (yes me too) way too focused […]

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Don’t Discount Wisdom

Sometimes the hardest thing to accept when we come into our own maturity is that we, “the elders”, actually know what the hell we are talking about. I certainly thought my parents were idiots when I was 16 and I knew e v e r y t h i n g that mattered to a 16-year old. Of course, […]

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When influence is compensation, a daily destiny

When we look at what motivates employees at work, it’s especially evident with the younger generations that it’s freedom. They want to determine when they show up, when they leave or when to work from home. They want to go on vacation – guilt-free and without needing permission. It helps that their heroes are folks […]

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No bad start up ideas

I was at Whole Foods tonight staring at an endcap (end of the aisle) filled with product really similar to what a group of us is working on. I was sort of awe-struck by three things. 1. Here it was. Our idea. Beautifully executed. 2. Whoa, they want to charge that much? 3. This is […]

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