Tag Archives | Unplug

Compassionate Community

Sometimes it can be really depressing to walk out of a grocery store and look into the eyes of someone who is starving and holding up a sign. That emotional story lingers for a long time.  I want to scream at how unfair life is, or hide in shame from wanting to buy the excessive […]

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The Exit Speech (to my boss)

One thing I’ve learned about myself. I have to decide my message, and stay on message. If I get sloppy and deviate, I pay for it later. My head and heart take over, and suddenly I’m blurting out things I can’t believe keep flowing from my mouth like water. And then… oops. What was I […]

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Planning and doing

David has been working at the same company for almost two decades. He is now a middle aged man, with his family to support. He used to really enjoy his career. He even felt passion for it. Today, he still likes his profession, but he suffers from depression due to his relationship with his boss. […]

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