Archive | Riffs & Ideas

According to wiki, “In jazz and R&B, riffs are often used as the starting point for longer compositions”. In our case, we’d like to think of them as the starting point for random stories. This could be the random section where even whining is allowed. Heck, it could eventually turn into a song.

When Solutions are Bandaids

The other night I went to hear Jeffrey Hayzlett speak. When I read his bio (he calls himself a business celebrity), I was a little put off. But when I heard him speak, I was completely enamored by his style of storytelling and the stories he told. Sure he had a schtick. He’s a maverick. […]

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The Dave Matthews Effect

Remember the Butterfly Effect? The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with hypotheses where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes. I’ve renamed and redefined it the Dave Matthews Effect. The Dave Matthews effect is a […]

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Being Essential

Have I mentioned How I met your Mother? I suppose it’s easy to refer to that show when it’s a masterpiece, as far as the writing is concerned. I LOVE the dialogue, and yes the characters are endearing. I just (today) realized that Barney, the ficticious character played by Neil Patrick Harris, has a Barney blog […]

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Adapting to Work Environments

Did you ever watch Gorillas in the Mist? It’s based on the story of Dian Fossey and how she learned to behave like mountain gorillas (in the Congo and in Rwanda), in order to be accepted enough to live with them and study them. Although Fossey was renamed in How I Met Your Mother, Marshall […]

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